Nolan Peltz

Supreme Court to Rule on the Freedom of Indigenous Mazatec Community Organizer Miguel Peralta

The Supreme Court will decide whether to put an end to nearly 10 years of political persecution against Miguel Peralta, Indigenous Mazatec community organizer from the community of Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón, Oaxaca.

Resolution Pending in Case of Miguel Peralta Betanzos

Judge has until August to decide on Mazateco Indigenous freedom


United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Sides with U.S. in GM Corn Dispute Without Evidence That It Is Not Harmful to Health

The panel established under the TMEC ruled in favor of the United States about its complaint over a Mexican decree banning glyphosate and genetically modified corn

Tzeltal Political Prisoners File Appeal for their Immediate Freedom

Tzeltal human rights defenders accused of homicide have filed an appeal demanding their immediate freedom.

Already Failed Dam Project Being Revived in Oaxaca to Address Water Crisis

Attempt being made to revive an already failed dam project to combat the water crisis in Oaxaca.