Mexico México: Global Trade Bridge will Devastate Indigenous Peoples and Biodiversity Por Santiago Navarro F 22 December, 2021 Comparte / Share FacebookTwitterWhatsAppTelegram The Isthmus railroad will run 31,111 45-car trains annually, one every 17 minutes. Demand will far exceed 60 trains daily. ↳Read the full investigation TagsMexicoOaxaca Comparte / Share FacebookTwitterWhatsAppTelegram ARTÍCULOS RELACIONADOS Mexico United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Sides with U.S. in GM Corn Dispute Without Evidence That It Is Not Harmful to Health Mexico Tzeltal Political Prisoners File Appeal for their Immediate Freedom Mexico Already Failed Dam Project Being Revived in Oaxaca to Address Water Crisis DEJA UNA RESPUESTA / LEAVE A REPLY Cancelar respuesta Comentario / Comment: Por favor ingrese su comentario! Nombre / Name:* Por favor ingrese su nombre aquí Correo electrónico / email:* ¡Has introducido una dirección de correo electrónico incorrecta! Por favor ingrese su dirección de correo electrónico aquí Sitio web / Website: Guardar mi nombre, correo electrónico y sitio web en este navegador la próxima vez que comente. / Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ MÁS RECIENTES Mexico United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Sides with U.S. in GM Corn Dispute Without Evidence That It Is Not Harmful to Health Jeny Pascacio - 2 January, 2025 The panel established under the TMEC ruled in favor of the United States about its complaint over a Mexican decree banning glyphosate and genetically modified corn Mexico Tzeltal Political Prisoners File Appeal for their Immediate Freedom Aldo Santiago - 25 September, 2024 Tzeltal human rights defenders accused of homicide have filed an appeal demanding their immediate freedom. ÚNETE A LA Y ACCEDE A BENEFICIOS EXCLUSIVOS IR