The world

The world

World Bank Pursues Land Grabs for “Energy Transition”

World Bank announces more resources for land certification throughout the world; the objective is to provide legal security for the “energy transition.”

Agroindustry Causes Widespread Deforestation and Violence in Latin America

The Green Revolution “was a disaster.” Regardless, certain countries want to implement a second Green Revolution

Latin America is the Most Lethal Region in the World for Land Defenders

: In 2022, 80% of the assassinations of land defenders occurred in Latin America

Barter: Actions to Confront a Health and Economic Crisis

Although its use declined significantly with the introduction of money and the capitalist system, it never went away


Supreme Court to Rule on the Freedom of Indigenous Mazatec Community Organizer Miguel Peralta

The Supreme Court will decide whether to put an end to nearly 10 years of political persecution against Miguel Peralta, Indigenous Mazatec community organizer from the community of Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón, Oaxaca.

Residents of the Choluteca Region of Puebla Demand Definite Closure of Landfill

Cover image: Members of the Union de Pueblos y Fraccionamientos contra el Basurero blocked main avenues in the south of Mexico City to denounce...

Mining Company Uses Electoral Context to Extract Minerals in the Sierra Norte of Oaxaca

In Capulálpam de Méndez, Oaxaca, there are least seven mining concessions with active permits to exploit gold, silver, copper, and lead.