Eugenia López

Fighting for the forests in Eastern Congo

In conversation with Blair Byamungu Kabonge, on how Indigenous and local communities are struggling to protect their lands from extractivism

Barter: Actions to Confront a Health and Economic Crisis

Although its use declined significantly with the introduction of money and the capitalist system, it never went away

Indigenous Communities Win First Battle Against AMLO’s Mayan Train

“the simulated and fraudulent indigenous consultation ordered by the federal government and

Militarization in Mexico Advances with a Red Zone in the South-Southeast

With more than 230,000 security elements deployed in Mexico, militarization is progressing. The National Guard is committed to the development of megaprojects promoted by AMLO and to monitor the communities that defend their territories.


Perú: Indigenous People Declare Permanent Emergency, Twenty-Five Leaders Assassinated since 2020

Indigenous leader found dead with signs of torture after twenty-four days missing.

Despite Organized Crime Violence, Indigenous Nahuas Celebrate Fifteen Years of Building Community in Xayakalan

For the Indigenous Nahua woman Teresa, a community member of Santa María Ostula, the fifteen-year celebration is a celebration of life.

Indigenous Maya Q’eqchi’ Denounce Eviction Threats of New Communities in El Estor

Guatemala: judicial authorities and agroindustry companies pursue evictions of Indigenous communities around Lake Izabal.