Renata Bessi y Santiago Navarro F

Militarization and “Shock Doctrine” Policies Abound After Earthquake in Mexico

The colored tarps hung over streets and patios of homes awaiting repair have become part of the everyday landscape of the Isthmus communities in Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, in southern Mexico, after the 8.2 magnitude earthquake...

The US Southern Command’s Silent Occupation of the Amazon

Brazil, Colombia and Peru share a triple borderland separating north from south on the South American continent. Located deep in the Amazon forest, this is the theater of operations in which more than 30...

International Labor Organization’s Convention 169 Helps Legalize Land Grabs on Indigenous Territories

Indigenous peoples' territories are some of the few places where natural resources are preserved throughout the world. In fact, they protect about 80 percent of the planet's biodiversity but are legal owners of less...

Oaxacan Indigenous Communities Resist Megaprojects

Traslate by itsgoingdown The Chinantec people, inhabitants of the Cajonos River basin in the north of the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, are carrying out an organizational process throughout their entire territory, the Chinantla, against economic...


Perú: Indigenous People Declare Permanent Emergency, Twenty-Five Leaders Assassinated since 2020

Indigenous leader found dead with signs of torture after twenty-four days missing.

Despite Organized Crime Violence, Indigenous Nahuas Celebrate Fifteen Years of Building Community in Xayakalan

For the Indigenous Nahua woman Teresa, a community member of Santa María Ostula, the fifteen-year celebration is a celebration of life.

Indigenous Maya Q’eqchi’ Denounce Eviction Threats of New Communities in El Estor

Guatemala: judicial authorities and agroindustry companies pursue evictions of Indigenous communities around Lake Izabal.