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Indigenous People

Indigenous Nahuas in Michoacán Respond to the Threat of Criminalization of their Communal Guard

.“That is the reason why we do not allow any state forces inside our community, it is that simple,”

Sembrando Vida: Counterinsurgency, Neoliberalism, and Clientelism

The most damaging effect of the program is the destruction of the community fabric and of the organizing structures of decision-making

Indigenous Munduruku in Brazil Say They Are Ready to Resist the War of Dispossession

We are ready for your war and we want to warn you that here, in our territory, in the Mundurukânia, occupied centuries ago

The commercial architecture of conservation in Petén

In the northern lands of Petén, Guatemala, a conglomerate of non-governmental organizations, including The Nature Conservancy, Wildlife Conservation Society, Rainforest Alliance and World Wildlife Fund-along with with their local partners and the financial support of institutions like the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-are promoting the commodification of nature.


Perú: Indigenous People Declare Permanent Emergency, Twenty-Five Leaders Assassinated since 2020

Indigenous leader found dead with signs of torture after twenty-four days missing.

Despite Organized Crime Violence, Indigenous Nahuas Celebrate Fifteen Years of Building Community in Xayakalan

For the Indigenous Nahua woman Teresa, a community member of Santa María Ostula, the fifteen-year celebration is a celebration of life.

Indigenous Maya Q’eqchi’ Denounce Eviction Threats of New Communities in El Estor

Guatemala: judicial authorities and agroindustry companies pursue evictions of Indigenous communities around Lake Izabal.