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Indigenous People

Government of Oaxaca Passes Law Pushing the Privatization of Ejido and Communal Lands

Northern Sierra Mountains of Oaxaca. Photo: Santiago Navarro F With the approval of the state congress, the governor of Oaxaca has passed the revenue law for the 2024 fiscal year, with which he is pushing...

So-Called Justice Plans are the Coup de Grace for Indigenous Peoples: Pueblo Mayo-Yoreme

Meeting between federal and state officials related to the justice plan of the Mayo people. Myrna Valencia, professor and human rights defender, member of the Mayo-Yoreme community of Cohuirimpo in southern Sonora, is firm in...

EZLN Announces Changes to Autonomous Governing Structures

In March of 2022, thousands of Zapatistas simultaneously mobilized in five municipalities of Chiapas to protest against war. Photo: Tercio Compas/ Enlace Zapatista On Sunday, November 5, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), via...


Perú: Indigenous People Declare Permanent Emergency, Twenty-Five Leaders Assassinated since 2020

Indigenous leader found dead with signs of torture after twenty-four days missing.

Despite Organized Crime Violence, Indigenous Nahuas Celebrate Fifteen Years of Building Community in Xayakalan

For the Indigenous Nahua woman Teresa, a community member of Santa María Ostula, the fifteen-year celebration is a celebration of life.

Indigenous Maya Q’eqchi’ Denounce Eviction Threats of New Communities in El Estor

Guatemala: judicial authorities and agroindustry companies pursue evictions of Indigenous communities around Lake Izabal.